Hoje é o último dia para preencher o formulário socioeconômico do VI Simpósio LAVITS

Interessada em conhecer o perfil socioeconômico e étnico-cultural dos participantes do VI Simpósio LAVITS, que será realizado em Salvador (BA), entre os dias 26 e 28 de junho de 2019, a Comissão Organizadora do evento criou um formulário, a ser preenchido por todas as pessoas que tiveram trabalhos aprovados, que servirá de base para a […]

VI LAVITS International Symposium Salvador, June 26-28, 2019

  CALL FOR PAPERS ASYMMETRIES AND (IN) VISIBILITIES: SURVEILLANCE, GENDER AND RACE VI  LAVITS International Symposium Salvador, June 26-28, 2019 Although the growing presence of surveillance systems in urban, informational and social spaces is a global phenomenon, its local inscriptions carry singularities that deserve to be studied and debated. It is known that in Latin […]


Access the memories of the V International Symposium Lavits 2017 – Chile “Surveillance, Democracy and Privacy in Latin America: Vulnerabilities and Resistance” on: https://antigo.lavits.org/publicacoes/anais-2017/ The fifth edition of the Symposium happened along November 29th and December 1st in University of Chile – Santiago. The event had been attained by the Communications and Image’s Institute of UChile, Datos […]

Scholarships LAVITS_2017

Scholarships LAVITS_2017 LAVITS is offering grants to attend the Symposium! The scholarships aim to offer a cost aid, although they do not cover all the expenses of participation in the event. If you are interested, please write to <antigo.lavits.org@riseup.net> by inserting BOLSA AUXÍLIO LAVITS_2017 in the subject of the message and report: Title of abstract […]